Vegetarian Stuffed Bell Peppers


And now for something just a little different - vegetarian stuffed bell peppers for the people who love the salt more than the sprinkles in my name. It's been a while since I've posted a non-dessert recipe on here, and I'm glad to be sharing this one because it's a goodie.

I meal prepped these stuffed bell peppers for the work week, and I was pleasantly surprised at the number of people who commented that they too love stuffed peppers. It's still kind of a new thing for me since I can't recall a single time that I had them growing up, but when I did have my first bell pepper a few years ago it was an enlightening experience. Now I'm allll about them, especially as a healthy lunch or dinner that you can make during the week.

While I was doing some recipe scouting for this meal (I eventually adapted this recipe from Williams Sonoma), I noticed that a LOT of bell pepper recipes have meat and dairy in them, which were two things that I avoid as a flexi-vegan. But, this vegetarian bell peppers recipe consists of just brown rice, black beans, corn, salsa, and an (optional) Greek yogurt topping that serves as a healthier alternative to sour cream.

So, if you're like me and don't eat meat but would like to enjoy your own stuffed bell peppers at home, look no further! Check out this recipe and I hope you enjoy :)



  • 1 can of black beans

  • 1 1/2 cups of cooked brown rice

  • 1 cup of sweet corn

  • 4 bell peppers (different colors look prettier but aren't required)

  • For topping: cilantro, salsa, Greek yogurt or vegan sour cream


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Pour your rice into a large mixing bowl and add in the black beans and corn. Salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.

  3. Cut off the tops of your bell peppers. Use a spoon to core out the inside of reach pepper, fully removing all of the seeds and white parts inside.

  4. Fill each pepper evenly with the rice mixture so that it is overflowing.

  5. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

  6. Let cool slightly, top with your cilantro, yogurt or sour cream, and salsa. Yum!


Vegan Peanut Butter and Jelly Waffle


Vegan Cookies and Cream Donuts