Chocolate Caramel Shortbread Bars (v, gf, rsf)

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Chocolate. Caramel. Shortbread. I don’t think there are three better words in the entire dictionary. I love these vegan chocolate caramel shortbread bars because they are quick and easy to whip up, and they are also gluten-free and refined sugar free, too! That’s right, this vegan chocolate dessert is made without refined sugars. I used sugar-free chocolate chips for the chocolate layer, and the tasty caramel for this shortbread bars recipe is made with just a few simple ingredients.

The first step of making this delicious chocolate vegan dessert is to make the caramel. The caramel in this vegan recipe is just a few simple things: dates, cashew butter, water, and vanilla. Before starting the recipe, place about ten dates in a bowl and cover them with hot water. After about 15 minutes, the dates will be nice and soft and ready for your blender.

Next, add about 1/4c of cashew butter into the blender with the dates. I used cashew butter because I find it’s naturally smooth with a good consistency that’s not too thick (like peanut butter). And, it has a more neutral taste so it works well in vegan recipes like this one. If you don’t have cashew butter on hand, give almond butter a try, or even peanut butter if you don’t mind a slightly peanut-y taste in the caramel.

Finally, add in some filtered water and a splash of vanilla before blending it all up. This vegan caramel is so good, it will taste delicious and you can eat it directly with a spoon! Scoop it out of the food processor, but don’t wipe out the bowl completely since the reside will actually help the shortbread layer come together.

To make the easiest shortbread cookie in the world, just add about 1 1/4 cup of raw cashews and 2 tbsp coconut oil into the food processor with a pinch of salt, and blend until it turns into a fine meal. Press this shortbread layer into the bottom of a loaf pan until it’s compact. Spread the vegan caramel on top and then pour on the melted chocolate. Spread it evenly, then pop in the freezer for about an hour until it’s set.

Slice and serve! This is one of my favorite vegan chocolate desserts, and I hope you like it as much as I do.


Prep Time: 15 mins

Active Time: 15 mins

Rest Time: 1 hr


  • 10 pitted dates, softened

  • 1/4 c cashew butter (or nut butter of your choice)

  • 1/4 c filtered water

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla

  • Pinch of salt and cinnamon

  • 1 1/4 c raw cashews

  • 1 c sugar-free chocolate chips

  • 1/4 c melted coconut oil, divided


  1. Line a loaf pan with parchment paper and set aside.

  2. In the bowl of a food processor, add the dates, cashew butter, water, vanilla, and a pinch each of salt and cinnamon. Blend until the caramel is smooth. Add a bit more water if it’s too thick. Scoop out the caramel into a separate bowl, but leave don’t wipe the bowl clean - the remnants will help the shortbread come together!

  3. Add the cashews and 2 tbsp of coconut oil into the food processor. Blend until the cashews reach a sandy consistency.

  4. Pour the cashews into the bottom of the loaf pan and press it down firmly with a spatula, or with your hands, until compact.

  5. Spread the caramel evenly across the shortbread. Place the pan in the freezer as you melt the chocolate.

  6. To melt the chocolate, pour the sugar-free chocolate chips and 2 tbsp coconut oil into a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave at 10 second increments, stopping to stir each time, until the chocolate is completely melted. The amount of time will depend on your microwave, but it took me about 3 minutes.

  7. Spread the chocolate in an even layer on top of the caramel and place in the freezer for one hour. Slice and serve when you’re ready to eat! These chocolate caramel shortbread bars keep well in the fridge for one week, or in the freezer for one month.


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