20 Minute Vegan Macaroni & Cheese


I am so happy. SO HAPPY. Because I've finally found a vegan mac n cheese recipe that actually tastes like that creamy, savory mac and cheese from my childhood. In fact, I would argue that this vegan macaroni and cheese tastes even better. Wanna argue about that? Taste this first.It's been so hard finding a dairy-free mac and cheese recipe. I attempted to make it before using vegan cheese, and the results were...well...let's just say my garbage ate more of it than I did.

Mac and cheese is one of my favorite foods ever, but it doesn't really jive with the dairy-free lifestyle that I've been embracing these last six months. Cutting down on dairy has done wonders for my gut and my skin, and it's been surprisingly so much easier than I ever thought. Because cheese, amirite?


Cheese is the glue that keeps families together, and what keeps the world from falling apart. Giving it up hasn't been easy, but the benefits I've experienced are worth it. That said, I will definitely enjoy the occasional pizza slice when appropriate, it's just no longer a weekly thing the way it used to be.So if you see me post dairy-filled recipes, just know that it's my cheat day, ok? The secret to this yummy vegan mac and 'cheese' is one crucial ingredient: sweet potato. It's the perfect foundation for this sauce because of it's cheesy texture, plus it has that nice deep orange color that reminds us of cheddar, without actually being cheddar.

But like I said, I think it's just as good or not better than traditional mac and cheese.Lotsa garlic, almond milk, and various seasonings round out the flavors of this sauce. I love this recipe because it's so easy to make, and takes about 20 minutes from start to finish (pasta boiling time included). I'm drooling over here, and not mad about it at all.I've told pretty much everyone I know about this vegan mac and cheese, and now I'm telling you. Go enjoy this with some yummy garlic bread or tomato soup. YUM.


  • 9 oz pasta

  • 1 lb sweet potato, peeled and cubed

  • 4 cloves of garlic, crushed

  • 1 c dairy-free milk (I use almond)

  • 1 tbs lemon juice

  • 1 tbs olive oil

  • 1 tsp Italian seasoning

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp black pepper

  • 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper


  1. Cook pasta according to packaging directions. Set aside.

  2. Place sweet potato and garlic cubes in a medium pot. Add water, just enough to cover sweet potatoes, and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes, until fork tender and water has evaporated.

  3. Blend the sweet potato and garlic along with 1/2 cup of the boiled water, 1 cup of dairy-free milk, and all remaining ingredients together until very smooth. Pour on top of cooked pasta and mix until coated. Serve.

Adapted From: Star Infinite Food


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